Saturday, February 1, 2014

Oh Boy.....

Well I've done it now, I started this blog less than a month ago and I have already missed at least two blog post. I am going to have to try harder. 

So a update on what has happened these past 2 weeks.
The week after my last post I did not make a meal plan or make a shopping list and because of it I over bought a ton of groceries. I did not over spend but I could have save at least $10 if I had. Lesson learned Always meal plan and make a grocery list. So because I didn't do either of those things this past week has been cooking with whatever is in the refrigerator, freezer and pantry and only buying the essentials. I now I have a very cleaned out freezer and refrigerator.This weekend I am working on my menu for this coming week and checking the local supermarkets sales, so far so good. I do not have my whole week planned out but by tomorrow afternoon I hope to have it done.
This last weekend was my birthday and my amazing Hubby surprised me with a new sewing machine, so this was spent learning and playing with my new machine, it was so much fun I can't wait to do it again.

I made my own cloth diaper safe tushie cream and it came out great. You can find the recipe at the bottom of this post. I also made a diy cloth diaper safe laundry detergent as well and I will include the recipe at the bottom of this post as well. All and all it was a successful week and an added bonus is that my house looks pretty neat and clean as well, a girl couldn't ask for more.

Well I am going to close this post and I will try and post my Meal plan for this week. Have a great weekend Everyone!!

Cloth Diaper Safe Tushie Cream

1 oz Shea butter
1 oz Bees wax
1/2 cup of Coconut oil
15 drops of Lavender essential oil
5 drops of Tea Tree essential oil

Put shea butter, bees wax and coconut in a glass bowl and melt it down in the microwave or you can use a double broiler its completely up to you.
Once all of your ingredients are melted down add the essential oils and mix well. Store it in a plastic or glass container.
I bought my ingredient off of eBay and I bought organic since it was going on my little guys tushie. :-)

Cloth Diaper Safe Laundry detergent

1 cup of borax
1 cup of Arm and Hammer Washing Soda 
1 cup of Oxi Clean

Mix all the ingredients together and you are set.

You can make as much or less as you want just add equal parts of everything. To make a large batch it will cost around $13 and you will have enough detergent to last you at least of 6 months probably closer to 9. 
Use 1 tablespoon per load.